Saturday, November 12, 2011


Since I have not been in the classroom in several years I do not have any pictures of artwork form my previous students; however, several paintings, Duplo and block creations, from my 3-year-old class, are still very vivid in my mind. We were in our second week of school when 9-11 happened. When we returned to school several days later one little boy spent a longer time at the easel then normal, when he was finished he called me over to look at his picture. He said, “Look Ms. Snyder I painted a picture of the buildings falling down and here are some angels.” Another child came running up to me later that week very excited and proud and said, “Look Ms. Snyder I rebuilt the buildings that fell down!” I can write several more stories like these that occurred that Fall. Even though I do not have the painting or the buildings the children created, I will always remember how they worked through their feelings and tried to “fix” what happened. It goes to show that you are never to young to understand the devastation of an event and the empathy they feel.

1 comment:

  1. AWWWWW!!!! They are so young but yet understands what is going on around them in the world in their own ways.
