Sunday, May 6, 2012

Global Connections I have sent e-mails to in Nigeria and In Germany and have not heard anything back from either one of them. I am very interested to earning about early childhood education in their countries. After watching The World Forum video I saw that all early childhood educators all have the same goals relating to children and early childhood education. World Forum on Early Care and Education: Every two years 600 – 800 early childhood professionals from more than 80 countries gather to share ideas on a wide range of issues impacting the delivery of quality services for children and families (World Forum, 2011). From what I heard it sounds like everyone that participated in the World Forum believes in the same philosophy of early childhood education, hands on learning! Educators across the World are willing to join together and work at making early childhood education practices universal. The early childhood organization I chose to follow is The National Association of Child Care Resource and Referral Centers (NACCRRA). It is an organization that I am very familiar with since I ran Resource and Referral Centers in Maryland and Washington DC. Every State is required to have a least one Child Care Resource and Referral Center (CCRR&R) by federal law. CCR&R’s educate parents on what to look for in quality child care, provide training and technical assistance to licensed child care providers and help other people to become licensed. NACCRRA is also very big positive influence in the local and federal political scene. I attended their National Conference last year in Washington DC and was surprised to learn the great differences in child care regulations in the country. Did you know hat 2 states still allow corporal punishment in licensed child care and several states do not require family child care homes to be licensed? I was shocked to hear this! NACCRRA is pushing to have standard regulations in every state for licensed childcare; they are looking at 10 standard safety regulations. They are also trying to make it that all licensed child care professionals take 120 hours of training. They are a huge voice in National and local public policy and advocates for the early childhood profession. If you are not familiar with your local Child Care Resource and Referral Center I highly recommend that you contact them and join NACCRRA. NACCRRA is a strong voice for early childhood education!


  1. Thanks Linda!
    Your post is fascinating. No, I was not aware that two of our states still allowed corporal punishment. How can this be okay with policy makers! I am so grateful that there are groups giving a voice to the voiceless; making a positive and lasting impact on young children and families. I will look forward to seeing how your global connections work out. I found good success with online blog sites via Facebook. I sought assistance from a national speaker who runs a blog as I knew he had traveled and had those types of connections. Best of luck with that.

  2. I join the Global Fund for Children and UNICEF. Your blog is fantastic. You have some pretty good insites of the organizations that you ahve joined. Its so important that their are so many people that care for the education of our young children and their future. Individuals speaking out for our young childre and being supportive is a success in my book.

  3. Hi Linda,

    I enjoyed your post. I look forward to hearing more of what you learn via this experience. I believe it should be interesting. Good Luck to you !!
