Saturday, December 17, 2011

Code of Ethics

Ethical Responsibilities to Children
I-1.7—To use assessment information to understand and support children’s development and learning, to support instruction, and to identify children who may need additional services.
I feel that it is very important to use assessment tools to track children’s learning. By assessing my students I was able to adjust my curriculum if needed to address areas they were not doing well in and also to provide parents with important information that lead to identify learning difficulties.

Ethical Responsibilities to Families
I-2.2—To develop relationships of mutual trust and create partnerships with the families we serve.
I-2.3—To welcome all family members and encourage them to participate in the program.
I could have chosen all points in this section! It is so important to have families involved in their children’s education. It shows their support, allows them to have an active voice, come in and participate in classroom activities, among many other things! I always encouraged parents to take an active role in their child’s education and to come in and volunteer in the classroom when they were able to.

Responsibilities to employers
I-3B.1—To assist the program in providing the highest quality of service.
I am a firm believer in teamwork. Without it the quality of service/education can decline. In the school I worked in we all worked together and assisted each other with problems, concerns, and celebrating successes. The parents recognized this and were very appreciative. I feel it also made them more active in the school.


  1. Hey Linda,
    In response to your first one: In our local area, we are working hard to get assessment measures in place for our licensed care providers and they are beginning to be mandated by the state system. The disconnect comes as many providers/teachers are failing to use that information to change the way they teach and plan for individual children. It's so important that the teachers really have an understanding of why we put these tools in place. It is a huge challenge. Sounds like you had it right in your classroom.

  2. Ms. Linda you selected about the same ethics as I did and I believe that these are important ethics. As a teacher I believe ethics are something to be followed. Great post.

  3. I am totally for welcoming all families and encouraging them to participate in the program. We can learn a lot about families' cultures by letting them volunteer in the classroom. This helps them in supporting their child's development and learning.

  4. TEAMWORK,is a key compenent in success. You have to work well together with others be able to share ideas and support each other.

  5. I really like your post in regards to teamwork. Teamwork is very important for student's to become involved with in the early childhood field. Getting the parents involvement will help the student's to work and interact in a group effort. Workin as a team will help improve the child's communication skills and continue to succeed throughout his or her educational process.

  6. Linda,
    I just wanted to thank you for your consistency with supportive and positive feedback. I found I could always count on you. As I’ve gotten to know you a bit, I have found us to have a lot in common. I want to wish you well as you wait for the right door to open in this field. I am confident that the right position will come at just the right time and you will truly be fulfilled.(Maybe through Race to the Top ) It has been a pleasure getting to know you!

  7. Hi Linda,
    Thank you for providing constructive feedback and supports through discussion boards and my blogs. I have learned that you are very passionate about the field and I would like to be someone like you in the future. It has been a pleasure being your classmate. Thank you and best wishes for your future career.


  8. Lynda, like Tammra, you've been a great support throughout this course with your positive feedback on the discussion board and our Q & A session. I wish you the best of luck in pursuit of your journey in the field of early childhood. Happy holidays to you and your family.

  9. Linda Snyder- I would like to thank you for being supportive and providing positive feedback to discusses and bolg assignments. I want to wish you well on your journey and remember we are here to touch lives. Have a great holiday!

  10. Linda, thanks for being a support through this class. It has been a great journey. Well wishes as you proceed with your masters.

  11. your blog was full of information. I really enjoyed looking at the blog site each week. I posted comments to help you in future courses.
